Diablo Valley College is one of three publicly supported two-year community colleges in the Contra Costa Community College District with locations in Pleasant Hill and San Ramon. According to their website, DVC typically serves more than 28,000 students each term.
Diablo Valley College: About Us
Who to call at Prospect about Students and Concurrent Enrollment with DVC
Carlene Hunt, Office Manager
(925) 682-8000 ext. 3960
Click on link below for Concurrent Enrollment with DVC instructions
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Click on the links below for calendar of important dates and registration information.
DVC_HowtoReg_095_096.pdf (PDF)
DVC Welcome Services: how to...
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DVC TRIO Programs: Educational Talent Search and Upward Bound
Educational Talent Search (ETS) and Upward Bound (UB) are federally funded programs designed to motivate, support, and encourage low-income, first generation students to graduate from high school and continue on to a post-secondary school of their choice. ETS and UB are administered by DVC.
As of October 2020, the ETS Program is actively accepting applications from MDUSD and students ages 11 and up. Additional eligibility guidelines apply.
Please see their website and enrollment application for program eligibility and income guidelines.