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Tech Support and More for Students

Distance Learning and working remotely at home in general sometimes present technical challenges to troubleshoot and resolve.

Each computer application typically has a help button, sometimes appearing as a (?) symbol, that brings up frequently encountered problems and remedies. However, this help button can be helpful for generic, but not all specific, issues.

This page highlights additional technical help, and other kinds of support, for students and families.

News Update

  • Chromebooks (and power chargers) have been distributed to those students who needed one on loan from MDUSD. 
  • Please contact our school's office staff if you need to request a chromebook or other technology.
  • Students and families should check that they are able to login to HomeLink, Google accounts, Gmail, etc. to be sure you have access.

Google / Computer / Chromebook Log-in Help

Username: Graduation year from high school, first two letter of first name, first three letters of last name, 01 (unless told otherwise),


1st Log-in Password: First letter of first name, first letter of last name, entire student ID number

Example: ao1234567

After 1st Log-in Password: Change your password (must be at least 8 characters)

Example: TBD by student/parent

*If your password is reset: First letter of first name, first letter of last name, entire student ID number

Example: ao1234567

Technical Support Help Sheets

Student and Parent Technology Support FAQ_080720.pdf (PDF)

Spanish Student and Parent Technology Support FAQ_080720.pdf (PDF)