Work Experience
Mr. Henik's Work Experience class meets every Tuesday from 12:46PM to 1:31PM in Room 310.
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What is Work Experience and Service Learning?
Work Experience
- Work Experience Education is an elective class that combines paid employment with classroom instruction.
- Students work at their jobs during the week and attend a class meeting once a week.
- Credits can also be learned for regular volunteer activities.
- For more information and the Work Permit Application go to this MDUSD webpage and read the Work Experience Brochure.
Service Learning
- Service-learning is a credit-bearing, educational experience in which students:
- 1) participate in an organized service activity that meets identified on- and off-campus community needs, and
- 2) reflect on the service activity in such a way as to gain further understanding of course content, a broader appreciation of assisting others, and an enhanced sense of civic responsibility.
- Students may earn up to 5 credits each quarter for 60 hours of placement and completion of assignments.
- Students must keep a a log sheet of activities and assignments.
In general, here's a list of benefits for students:
- Students can earn anywhere from ONE to TEN credits per semester for working.
- Students can earn five credits for every 60 hours of volunteering.
- Students sign up for Work Experience Education through their teacher.
- Class assignments include relevant training on job skills, resume writing, interviewing and more.
- Class meetings are typically one day a week, as determined by the Work Experience Coordinator.
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Instructions for Submitting for a Work Permit Application (Updated December 2020)
Work Permit Applications
- Click on the links below to print the "Request to Work Permit Application" (CDE B1-1 form).
- The form consists of two (2) pages, normally back-to-back on one sheet of paper. You must print both pages to have a complete application.
- The front is information you must include with your Social Security number and required signatures.
- The back explains important labor laws.
- Complete the Application when you have received a job offer by an employer.
- The form must be signed by your parent or legal guardian (if you are a minor), and
- The form must be signed by the employer.
- When the application is completed and signed, return it to the School Office.
- You can either scan the Application on a scanner/printer, or take photos of it (be sure the photos clearly have complete images of the entire front and back pages of the application).
- Send images of the application by email to the school office manager.
- Please include your full name, phone number, and school you attend in the email in case there are any questions.
- The Work Experience Coordinator will then process the application.
- Please allow three days turnaround time for processing.
- The Work Experience Coordinator will issue the Work Permit and deliver it directly to your employer.
If there are any questions, please contact the Work Experience Coordinator for our school.
Click on the links below for the 2-page California State Request to Work Permit Application form.
WorkPermit_CA_0214_dlseformB1-1.pdf (PDF) WorkPermit_CA_GeneralSummaryofMinorsWorkRegs_rev0710.pdf (PDF)
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Become a Volunteer
Becoming a volunteer is a great way to gain more experience. You may want to volunteer to explore possible career paths. You will need to decide if you have the time to commit to volunteering in addition to going to school and whether or not you are currently working at a job (with a work permit). Becoming a volunteer may help you decide what you do (and do not) enjoy. You will meet people who may someday help you achieve your future career goals.
Need to find a volunteer position? Opportunities can often be found by visiting local nonprofit organizations near you. Also check online sites such as these: